Simply Captions Team

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Tracy Reinke, RPR, CRR, CRC

Closed captioner for 25+ years.  Over the years, she has covered national and international meetings; captioned Presidents, a King, the Queen, and other Heads of State; political debates; state and provincial legislatures; religious programs; and all types of sporting events, everything from the Super Bowl, Major League Baseball All-Star Game, Washington International Horse Show to duckpin bowling for both broadcast and in-stadium.


Patty White, CRC, CM, CSR

Closed Captioner for almost 30 years. 25 Years with Caption Colorado (now Vitac) as Vice President of Realtime Captioners. Hired, trained and managed hundreds of realtime captioners; designed and implemented training systems and software to minimize human errors and to streamline caption delivery.

Captioned the Pope, debates, large and small online Zoom meetings, conventions and conferences, large stadium events - sports, Monster Jam and WWF